Road Trip: Sea World 2018

It was an interesting experience; I've never been to Sea World. My friend and I decided to take a trip to San Diego for a two day. We first were just going to beach it down.

But She thought, "Well, we never do anything else; why not go to Sea World." At first, I was apprehensive but decided to just say screw it and go.

 We visited a lot of different aquariums the rays were kind of awesome to watch float on by. their mouths that look like faces. Totally creepy.

 The Penguins seemed a little isolated. Lots of them running around in a semi-small area. they looked content. Watching us as we watched them.

 As far as I can tell the ones on the outside like the attention as some would float in the water waiting for someone to drop food. The ones in the back fought for what ever reason, territory or a lady. 

I did like to see all the different sharks. even the ones in the tunnel. they were eerie. I mean like, " I'll break this glass and eat you and all of these children." Jaws.....

 We got to catch a few shows. this one was funny. I don't know if the animals like putting on a show. but they seemed to be in good hands. The trainers and people seemed to treat them well.

The Dolphin and Orca Shows where about the same; flips and tricks with splashes to the audience. I like that while they did some of the tricks they would tell you about the animals. Where some lived to where they hunt. It was very educational. I may not agree with all the tricks they have them do, but if The dolphins or Orcas like it, then who am I to judge. 

Overall, it was a great expereance.  I say go at least once, but remember it is crazy crowded with people and tons of loudness.


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